Social Media
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How to Spot Fake Influencers?

Tips, tricks & tools to spot fake Influencers on Social Media.

August 26, 2024
Jérémy Boissinot

Social media has transformed into a powerful platform for marketing, allowing brands to reach millions of potential customers worldwide. However, this has also led to a surge in fake influencers and inauthentic engagement that could be costing advertisers up to $800 million each year. It’s still far too easy to cheat on social media, but the good news is that with a keen eye, you can spot these frauds. Here are some tips to help you identify fake influencers and protect your brand from wasting resources.

🔍 Signs of a Fake Influencer


📉 1. They Lose a Lot of Followers

  • Bots Are Easy to Buy: Many fake influencers inflate their follower counts by purchasing bots, but these are easily detectable.
  • Bots Get Purged: Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn routinely remove fake accounts and bots, leading to sudden drops in follower numbers for these influencers.

🚪 2. They Experience Sudden Big Follower Drops

  • Platform Purges: Sudden large decreases in follower counts can be due to social media platforms purging fake or inactive accounts.
  • LinkedIn Example: LinkedIn has been actively removing inactive accounts, which could cause a noticeable drop in follower numbers.


🌍 3. Their Audience Is Based in “Usual Suspect” Countries

  • Bot Farms: Countries like India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Madagascar are known hotspots for bot farms.
  • Red Flags: If a significant portion of an influencer’s audience comes from these regions without a logical reason, it’s a potential red flag.

🤖 4. They Post Super Generic Content

  • Lack of Originality: Fake influencers often share generic, easily replicable content, especially on LinkedIn.
  • Recognizable Patterns: If their posts lack substance or originality and seem to blend into countless other posts, they may be attempting to create inauthentic engagement.

🚨 5. The Number of Shares Is Systematically Higher Than the Comments

  • Algorithm Hacking: In many cases, you’ll notice that the number of shares significantly outweighs the number of comments. This could be a sign that the influencer is part of an engagement group designed to hack the algorithm and artificially boost visibility.
  • Not a Rule, but a Red Flag: While this isn’t a universal rule, it holds true over 95% of the time.

💬 6. The Comment Section Has No Value Whatsoever

  • Low-Quality Comments: A common trait of fake influencers on platforms like LinkedIn is a comment section filled with low-effort responses like “Agreed” or generic statements that could easily be generated by AI tools like ChatGPT.
  • Lack of Genuine Interaction: If the comments offer little to no meaningful interaction or discussion, it’s a sign that the engagement is not authentic.

🤝 7. Their Engagement Is Eerily Similar, Post After Post

  • Engagement Pods: Consistent, overly similar engagement on posts is often a sign of participation in an engagement pod—a group of people who agree to like, comment, and share each other’s content to artificially inflate visibility.
  • Lack of Variation: Genuine engagement usually varies in tone and content, while fake engagement remains uniform across posts.

🤖 8. Their Audience Is Full of Bots

  • Obvious Signs: If you notice an influencer’s audience is packed with accounts that follow tens of thousands of profiles, have only a handful of followers, and post rarely, they are likely bots.
  • Tools Can Help: Technology tools like Favikon can analyze these patterns and estimate the quality of an influencer’s audience.

🛡️ Protect Your Brand: Stay Vigilant

The prevalence of fake influencers and inauthentic engagement poses a significant threat to brands that rely on social media marketing. By staying vigilant and using the tips above, you can identify and avoid influencers who might be cheating the system, ensuring that your marketing dollars are spent wisely.

Remember, while social media is a powerful tool, it’s essential to approach it with caution and discernment. Keep an eye out for these tell-tale signs, and don’t hesitate to use technology to aid in your analysis. Protect your brand by ensuring that your partnerships and collaborations are with genuine influencers who can truly add value to your marketing efforts.

About the author

Jérémy Boissinot

Jérémy Boissinot is the founder of Favikon, an AI-powered platform that helps brands gain clarity on creator insights through rankings. With a mission to highlight quality creators, Jérémy has built a global community of satisfied creators and achieved impressive milestones, including over 10 million estimated impressions, 20,000+ new registrations, and 150,000 real-time rankings across more than 600 niches. He is an alumnus of ESCP Business School and has been associated with prestigious organizations such as the French Ministry and the United Nations in his professional pursuits.