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An offline PR or marketing activity such as an interaction or experience that drives consumers to action. This could include an event, stunt or initiative.
Affiliate Marketing
A type of performance-based marketing where influencers earn a commission by promoting a product and driving sales through a unique affiliate link.
A set of rules or calculations social media platforms use to determine which content appears in users' feeds based on their interactions and preferences.
An influencer who has an ongoing relationship with a brand and consistently promotes the brand's products or services over a long period.
The data and statistics collected from social media platforms and campaigns to measure performance, engagement, and ROI.
The genuine and relatable quality of an influencer’s content, which resonates with their audience and builds trust.
Brand Awareness
The extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand, often measured through influencer marketing campaigns.
Brand Partnership
A collaboration between a brand and an influencer to promote products or services, usually involving a formal agreement.
Call to Action (CTA)
A prompt in content that encourages the audience to take a specific action, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, or following a profile.
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement.
The act of working with influencers to create content that promotes a brand, often involving mutual benefits.
Content Creator
An individual who produces engaging material for online platforms, including blogs, videos, and social media posts.
Conversion Rate
The percentage of users who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, after clicking on a link or seeing a campaign.
Cost Per Click (CPC)
The amount paid by a brand for each click on their advertisement or affiliate link.
Cost Per Engagement (CPE)
The amount paid by a brand for each engagement (like, comment, share) with their content.
Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)
The cost of a thousand ad impressions (views) in a campaign, used to measure the cost-effectiveness of marketing efforts.
The requirement for influencers to clearly indicate when content is sponsored or paid for, ensuring transparency with their audience.
Earned Media
Publicity gained through promotional efforts other than paid advertising, such as organic social media posts and word-of-mouth.
Engagement Rate
A metric that measures the level of interaction an influencer’s content receives, typically calculated by the number of likes, comments, and shares divided by the number of followers.
Follower Growth
The increase in the number of followers an influencer gains over a specific period, often used to measure popularity and reach.
A keyword or phrase preceded by the pound sign (#) used on social media to categorize content and make it discoverable to users interested in that topic.
Influencer Network
A group or platform that connects brands with influencers for the purpose of collaborative marketing efforts.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
A measurable value that indicates how effectively a company is achieving its key business objectives, often used to evaluate the success of an influencer marketing campaign.
A specific segment of the market or audience that an influencer specializes in, often defined by interests, hobbies, or demographics.
Organic Reach
The number of people who see an influencer’s content without paid promotion or advertising.
Paid Partnership
A collaboration where an influencer receives compensation from a brand to promote its products or services, often involving a formal agreement.
User-Generated Content (UGC)
Content created by consumers or followers of a brand, often shared on social media, which can be repurposed by the brand for marketing purposes.


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Pourquoi Favikon ?

Nous en avons assez des classements peu fiables, mais nous sommes animés par une passion pour l'authenticité et la clarté que seules les données peuvent apporter. Notre mission ? Mettre en lumière des créateurs de qualité, en veillant à ce qu'ils obtiennent la reconnaissance qu'ils méritent dans un paysage souvent teinté d'inexactitudes. Notre objectif est de célébrer les véritables talents et de mettre la transparence au premier plan.

Les créateurs sont-ils inscrits sur la plateforme ?

Favikon propose un répertoire mondial complet de créateurs pertinents, vous garantissant de toujours trouver la solution idéale pour répondre à vos besoins uniques. Nous allons au-delà du format typique du marché des influenceurs, car nous croyons qu'il est important de préserver l'authenticité et l'essence personnalisée du marketing des créateurs, plutôt que de le transformer en un simple processus industriel. Avec Favikon, il s'agit de connexions de qualité, pas seulement de quantité.

Comment calculez-vous les scores d'influence ?

Nous travaillons avec un data scientist depuis 2 ans pour nous assurer que les classements sont scientifiquement viables et reflètent avec précision l'impact et l'efficacité réels des créateurs, en vous fournissant des informations fiables et étayées par des données pour une prise de décision éclairée dans le cadre de vos stratégies marketing. Un article détaillant la méthodologie est disponible sur le blog.

Est-ce que Favikon est une agence ?

Favikon n'est PAS une agence. Nous mettons à votre disposition des fonctionnalités de données alimentées par l'IA via notre plateforme afin de vous fournir des analyses et des outils pertinents, vous permettant de prendre des décisions plus intelligentes et fondées sur des données pour vos stratégies de marketing d'influence. Cette approche met le pouvoir directement entre vos mains, garantissant précision et efficacité à chaque campagne.

Disposez-vous d'un programme d'affiliation ou de parrainage ?

Oui, consultez le pied de page du site ! Nous offrons jusqu'à 25 % de commission pour toute recommandation sur notre plateforme.