
Influencer Marketing News and Latest Trends: Christmas Edition

Digital marketing and especially influencer marketing is constantly moving forward. Whether it’s a product placement for a famous brand or a TikTok challenge for a local store promotion, trends are evolving and you must follow them.

November 4, 2022
Margot Daugieras

This year 2022 has been full of partnerships and influencer projects. Brands are now reaching out content creators to promote their products or services more than ever. But that's not all. Content creators are also became key players in the evolution of the brands' image. It is no longer a matter of simply increasing sales and visibility. Content creators allow to convey a strong message and to support the values of a brand. That is why, the corporate communication strategies integrate much more often creators as spokespersons.

Content creators become more specialized

Content creators are becoming more and more professional. Whitch means that the content they create is more qualitative and accurate. If they want to legitimize their expertise on a certain subject, they must create specialized content.

These specialized influencers have a considerable advantage: their community is highly targeted. Unlike the big lifestyle or entertainment influencers, a content creator who talks about “Tech and Digital”  has a whole community truly passionate about new technologies. This is a gold mine for brands in this industry. By using specialized influencers, you maximize your chances of reaching your campaign goals.

This works for large industries like Fashion or Food  but also for niche industries such as an accessories brand for frizzy hair or even a DNVB specialized on  food supplements for athletes. Content creators must know everything about their industry and be recognized as experts by their community. This recognition keeps them safe from skepticism and increases their chances of signing strong partnerships.

When choosing  specialized creators you’ll increase your presence on various platforms. Classic creators are mainly on Instagram and TikTok, while more specialized ones are also on Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn! These more platforms allow them to create much more complete and detailed content, which highlights their expertise!  Twitter allows creators to develop many ideas thanks to threads, YouTube gives them the possibility to speak about a long topic and LinkedIn is a mix between those two. On LinkedIn, content creators can have many different formats such as plain text, images, carousels, video, newsletters... It encourages a lot of creativity!

In short, specialized content creators are all over the place and this is a big advantage for for any partnership. You'll be able to launch a quality multiplatform campaign with them... We'll tell you more about it later in the article.

As 2022 comes to an end, if you still have time to include niche creators in your Christmas influencer strategy... it's really time you did!

Twitter will become more important

Twitter is still not widely used for influencer marketing. Yet there are tons of experts who create content on the platform. Then, what’s refraining partnerships? Nowadays, the social platform doesn't push sponsored content nor offer enough interesting formats for brands. Besides, Twitter has never rewarded its content creators.

What is the point?

Twitter is now Elon Musk's project and we all expect huge changes. And that's good news! Content creators and brands are now hoping to finally work together and build strong partnerships. Compared to Instagram where content is still very much focused on aesthetics, Twitter content goes much further. The creators are often real spokespersons with a very strong authority. They speak out on important topics such as Trade & Finance, Inclusion & Diversity or Sustainability.

We can't wait to see the changes that are coming to the platform.

Long-term co-creation: the most successful partnership format

Consumers are aware of the power of influencer marketing. This means that a simple product placement will not allow you to gain the trust of your future consumers. If you want to generate a real impact, you must build long-term partnerships with your content creators.

You can co-create in different ways. Sometimes it's products designed together like for clothing brands that release collections with influencers, but it can also be the co-creation of an event or a podcast. The formats can be very diversified and you have to adapt to what the content creator can do and what he wants to do.

The creators work on multiple platforms

No one is looking for an "Instagramer" or a “TikToker” anymore. Today, partnerships are made on several platforms and we look for a creator before looking for a platform.

Brand communication is adapting to the creators. We saw many brands on Instagram only, on Tik Tok exclusively, but it’s not the case anymore. And they’re not simply doubling content, their transforming and adapting it to each plafform. That’s why we can see collabs on an influencer’s youtube channel and TikTok account at the same time!

You can create high quality with an Youtube creator and make 4 TikToks of it, for example. You'll reach your target on multiple platforms and retention will be much better. Moreaover, you are showing interest for the creators’ value on various platforms and not only their number of followers on a social media. The exchange between the brand and the content creator goes far beyond a simple publication. We can say that the content creator participates entirely in a communication operation of the brand.

At the end oh this year, you should definitely plan a multiplatform influencer campaign! You’ll see your campaign results increase and your target will be much more impacted by this campaign than the previous ones. You thought about a contest on Instagram? Turn it into a TikTok challenge with a Twitter thread to tease the campaign. You should totally build a more complete campaign with meaningful messages crossing different platforms.. Of course, the point is not to copy/paste your Instagram content with an influencer to put it back on TikTok, it won’t work. You have to show that you master the codes of all the social media on which you want to be present.

About the author

Margot Daugieras

Passionate about social networks and digital illustration, please welcome our Head of Marketing! She has traveled around the world, but her ultimate dream is to settle in Montreal 🇨🇦 As a dance🕺 and animal lover you can follow her cat's adventures on TikTok 🐱 (whom we suspect she idolises a bit too much 🤫) #MultiSkilled #CatLover

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