5 min to read

The Main Differences Between B2C & B2B Influencers

Let's spot the 7 main differences between a B2C & a B2B influencer!

June 18, 2024
Justine Castany

Do you know the game of "spot the differences" ?

When looking at all influencers, here are the 7 main differences we see:

📝 Content
🎯 Audience Size
🗣️ Language and Tone
🫶🏼 Audience Relationship
🤑 Audience Purchase Motivations
💰 Purchase/Sales Cycle
📲 Communication Channels

1- Content 📝

B2C: Engage and entertain a broad audience.

  • Entertaining
  • Inspiring
  • Informative
  • Trendy

Short & impactful

B2B: Establish credibility and provide practical knowledge.

  • Expertise
  • Advice
  • Market trends
  • Problem-solving solutions

Value & service

2- Audience Size 🎯

There are fewer professionals than consumers, so:

B2C: Large target as they address the general public.

B2B: Smaller target composed of specific professionals or companies.

3- Language & Tone 🗣️

B2C: Simple & Accessible language


  • Familiar
  • Emotional
  • Humorous

Addresses the general public

B2B: Technical & Specific language


  • Formal
  • Professional
  • Informative

Addresses professionals in their field

4- Audience Relationship 🫶🏼

B2C: Personal & emotional

Trust & Loyalty

B2B: Professional & informative

Frequent, in-depth interactions based on specialized topics

5- Audience Purchase Motivations 🤑

B2C: Based on Emotion and Desire.

  • Trends
  • Personal satisfaction
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Promotions

Personal aspiration & identification

B2B: Based on Reason and Logic.

  • ROI
  • Quality
  • Efficiency
  • Specific needs

Concrete & measurable benefits

6- Purchase/Sales Cycle 💰

B2C: Short & Impulsive

  • Immediate need
  • Promotions
  • Trends

Quick and immediate purchase incentive

B2B: Long & Complex

  • Multiple steps
  • Thorough research
  • Internal consultations
  • Product demos
  • Negotiations

Decision-making processes & budget justifications

7- Communication Channels 📲

B2C: Aim to reach a broad audience

  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Personal blogs

Visual and engaging content

B2B: Aim to reach a professional and specialized audience

  • LinkedIn
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Newsletters
  • Webinars

Detailed and educational information

To be clear, in both B2C and B2B influence, there are no fixed rules. Everyone does what they want.

The key is to find the most effective and authentic way to convey content to the desired audience.

For that, it's important to see what others are doing and what works best.

If you want to launch an influencer marketing campaign, research the creators, posts, formats, and trends that are popular in your sector.

With Favikon tracking, it won't even take you 2 minutes!

About the author

Justine Castany

Justine Castany, a student at ESSEC Business School and currently working at Favikon, shines with her love for marketing and dedication to communications. As a dynamic young professional, she serves as Marketing Manager at Favikon, where she brings her expertise to craft and execute cutting-edge strategies. With her creativity and keen eye for trends, Justine stands out in communicating brand messages effectively and making waves on social media.

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