
Building Your B2B Social Media Report: A Step-by-Step Guide

Looking to get better at making B2B Social Media Reports? You're in the right place! Social media is always changing, so staying updated is key.

October 6, 2023
Margot Daugieras

This guide is your go-to resource for mastering B2B Social Media Reports. In a social media landscape that never stops evolving, understanding how to track and improve your performance is essential for enhancing your B2B brand.

Step 1: Define Your Strategy

What's Important 👉 Having a clear strategy is like having a roadmap for a long journey—you wouldn't set out without one, would you? Your strategy will guide your decision-making process and give you a framework for your future actions.


Imagine you are a SaaS company offering project management tools. Your strategy might focus on showcasing your product’s features that ease remote work challenges, catering to businesses adapting to telecommuting.

Step 2: Identify Objectives and Key Metrics

What's Important 👉 Pinpoint what exactly you aim to achieve through your social media activities. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive engagement, or lead conversions? Once your objectives are set, tie them to measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) so you can keep track of your progress.


If your objective is to increase brand awareness, you might track metrics like 'Impressions', 'Reach', and 'Share of Voice'. On the other hand, if you are targeting engagement, 'Likes', 'Comments', and 'Shares' might be your go-to KPIs.

Step 3: Analyze Industry Content That Works Best

What's Important 👉 Before diving into content creation, it's beneficial to analyze what's already working well in your industry. Platforms like Favikon offer valuable insights into trending topics and high-performing content in the B2B landscape, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.


You can use Favikon to identify influencers who are killing it in, let's say, the cybersecurity space. What types of posts are getting the most engagement? What hashtags are they using? This research could be the secret sauce that amplifies your own campaigns.

Step 4: Implement Content & Partner with Creators

What's Important 👉 The next phase is the actual execution of your strategy, which means content creation and distribution. Leverage micro-influencers or thought leaders in your industry to give your content the push it needs. Their endorsement provides social proof and credibility, making your B2B branding all the more impactful.


Suppose you sell cloud storage solutions. You could collaborate with tech influencers to create video content that shows off how secure and easy-to-use your services are, making it easier for your B2B customers to trust you.

Step 5: Analyze the Data

What's Important 👉 You can't manage what you can't measure. Use analytics tools to collect data about how well your social media posts are doing. This will feed into your Social Media Report, providing actionable insights.


Notice that LinkedIn posts generate more engagement during business hours? Or that your audience loves case studies and whitepapers? These are the golden gems that you can find only through thorough analysis.

Step 6: Adjust and Iterate

What's Important 👉 Last but not least, don't forget to refine your approach based on the analysis. Experiment with different types of content, posting times, or even hashtags to see what resonates most with your audience.


Did your Twitter poll about “Best Practices in Remote Work” see high engagement? Consider creating a series of Twitter threads or even a webinar on the topic. Keep iterating and experimenting to stay ahead in the game.

Building a comprehensive Social Media Report is not just about compiling numbers; it's about understanding what those numbers mean for your B2B branding. And hey, don’t stress! With a detailed plan, measurable objectives, kickass content, and thorough analysis, you’ll be crafting reports that are not just stacks of paper but actionable tools for growth.

So go ahead, build that Social Media Report, and let it be your compass in the wild, wonderful world of B2B marketing!

About the author

Margot Daugieras

Passionate about social networks and digital illustration, please welcome our Head of Marketing! She has traveled around the world, but her ultimate dream is to settle in Montreal 🇨🇦 As a dance🕺 and animal lover you can follow her cat's adventures on TikTok 🐱 (whom we suspect she idolises a bit too much 🤫) #MultiSkilled #CatLover

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