
Influencers in the world

Which influencer should you choose to reach a French, American, or Japanese audience? Here are the different roles of influencers in the world!

September 6, 2021
Clémence Del Castillo

Wide visibility, relatable content, cultural codes; there are many factors to consider before choosing your influencer! And they firstly depend on geography.

As we all know, customer behavior differs from one country to another due to historical differences. Thus it is essential to understand the story behind the traditions, beliefs, and values of a territory.

With specific customer behaviors come appropriate customer experiences, and the rule applies to Social Media! With different audiences, a brand must choose the right influencer that matches users' expectations. Influencers become mediators in your marketing strategy with social media platforms as communication channels; thus, a company must choose them wisely!

Let's find out how influencers are perceived in the world and their role in three examples!


Influencers are users that individuals can trust. They respect cultural codes and share the same language and values. Brand can choose various local influencers that represent different customer segments to promote the product better.

Key values:
👉 Trust
👉 Social codes
While the Asian market differs significantly from one territory to another, a tendency is still noticeable. Local customers base their choices on trust! Most individuals will trust their family and friends' opinions first and foremost. Once they share their experience, they will decide to purchase or skip the product/service. Thus, depending on their objective, a brand could search for popular influencers to gain wide visibility or smaller ones with a positive engagement rate that communicate and are trusted by their community.


Users see influencers as small celebrities. They follow them for their careers, activities, lifestyles and long for original content.

Key values:
👉 Authenticity
👉 Originality
The European market has very much a customer behavior that evolves around authenticity. Ad's purpose is to convince customers to use a product or service to make their lives easier. Thus communities look up to influencers by following their life routines, careers, and hobbies. Brands will partner with influencers so their product/service can appear smoothly in their posts. The goal isn't to showcase the advertisement directly but to share it subtly.


Finally, the North American market is our final example!

Influencers are "normal" people. Users feel close to the ones they follow since they share the same interests and can relate to them.

Key values:
👉 Directiveness
👉 Individualism
👉 "Go big or go home" mentality

Americans are big on directiveness! Contrary to the European market, audiences long for impressive advertisements. Influencers have a "hero" role to play, and their main objective is to generate buzz. Thus for influencer campaigns, brands should partner with creators to gain visibility and strengthen their brand image.

Now that we have gone through three examples, the next step is to analyze your target market and find the right influencer for your marketing campaign!

About the author

Clémence Del Castillo

Our daydreamer, Clémence, develops her creativity on a daily baisis by drawing, playing the piano, and singing! A true artist at heart. ✨As a TikTok influencer, she'll share her top tips on the blog.🤓 Does this ring any bells? You may have seen her in Spain, Singapore, or Paris. She's constantly on the move! 🌎 #Creative #TikToker #ESSEC

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