
How do you not get ghosted by an influencer when you're a brand?

Here are some tips on how to collaborate with an influencer without getting ghosted! For this we list all the turn offs for the influencers...👻

June 28, 2021
Nina Lipzyc

Ghosting doesn't only exist in love but also in the workplace! 💼 You've already sent a dm, an email to your dream influencer to collaborate and obviously you were unresponsive, not even a seen! Welcome to the world of ghosting! We're going to teach you all the tricks of the trade to make a successful partnership. You'll especially learn all the things not to do... Influencers can be hard to approach.

Turn off #1 ❌

"We only work with mega-influencers for more results"

It's not always the biggest ones that have the best engagement rate or even the best conversion rate, so give other influencers a chance to make your campaign shine! It's not about quantity, it's about quality, and that goes for the number of followers as well. Creativity should be at the heart of your strategy because that's what captivates on social media and turns a view into an acquisition.

Turn off #2 ❌

"We're offering you dropshipping."

Don't get me wrong, some influencers love dropshipping, a way to make a quick buck! Nevertheless, more reliable influencers who pay attention to the brands they collaborate with,prioritize qualitative content will flee illico presto!"💨

Turn off #3 ❌

"Product placement partnership (cc: all influencers in town)"

Sending a group email to influencers? Surely not!

It's like groups on instagram with fake accounts, we're not going to take you seriously! Especially since the influencer is not going to feel important, they are going to feel like you don't realize their added value.

Personalize your emails and write a request that fits the content strategy of the influencer you are contacting.

Turn off #4 ❌

"Free products vs. publications"

Your product probably won't fill the influencer's fridge. You don't want to overdo it...💰

Turn off #5 ❌

"Don't ask for a contract", "no need for a contract, we're not big on paperwork it's cool!"

A contract ensures that you are credible in the eyes of the influencer.

Make sure he will do the content requested, that there will be a real follow-up. On their end, making sure they get paid because of the reliability of the product.

Turn off #6 ❌

"Don't have them on the phone"

Not meeting them or not having them face to face on the phone, dehumanizes the exchange and they will surely trust you less. The idea of creating a trusting relationship between the influencer and the brand is essential 🤝 ! Just sending an email, or a DM won't create a connection with the content creator, quite the'll go to the unread message side.

Turn off #7 ❌

"Get 50% off our products and become an ambassador"

Again, influence isn't free. Charging for the product you want to promote is not an option. Influence is part of the marketing levers like Facebook ads or Google Ads. Can you imagine offering Google a promo code to appear on their search engine? Between you and me, that's not manners! 🙄

Turn off #8 ❌


"come see us dm us!" posts. This is the same as a bot 🤖 commenting hearts on our photos!

Turn off #9 ❌

"We love your content on IG."

The best way to come across as a fan 🤳 the influencer is not looking for an autograph but a contract!

Turn off #10 ❌

"I sent you 50 packs of samples"

Influencers receive I don't know how many products a day, their apartment under often stuffed with boxes, products etc..Gifts it's always nice but try not to send 50 times the same thing it will be very unhelpful to the influencer 🚮

À propos de l'auteur

Nina Lipzyc

A bit reserved at the first glance, the mysterious Nina hides a lot of energy and creativity! Her passions vary between shopping, nightclubs and animals, but sadly the current situation has anchored her at home, to spend time with her lovely cats 😺. She spends a lot of time on TikTok and Instagram, scouting for the latest trends in fashion 🛍💁 Communication is what she'll bring to the table at Favikon, so make sure to follow us to not miss out on Nina's latest posts! #supdepub #fashionista #communication

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