
Should we blame SheIn Haul on TikTok ?

Those Shein Haul trends are so popular on TikTok... but what are their consequences? 🤭🛍

May 31, 2021
Roxane Aguilar

SheIn, Asos, Pretty Little Thing... ultra-fast fashion brands that you probably might have ordered from or at the least checked them out.

And yes, renewing your wardrobe for a handful of euros while staying at home is very tempting! Especially when you are young and still searching for your style. This observation has been well understood by brands and influencers. The number of hauls* just keep increasing, especially on TikTok. 📈

*A definition of this word seems necessary to me, because I will be led to use it often in this article 🤓

Haul (common noun): 

Refers to a video where an influencer showcases a collection of items purchased on a shopping spree.

"Welcome to this new video! I received an Asos package this morning, so here we go for a little summer haul."

ex :

This kind of content that was traditionally seen on YouTube (or sometimes even in stories) has completely adapted to the short TikTok format and is breaking viewing records. 👀

A few numbers attest to this:

Astronomical figures that attest to their popularity. Content that works, yes, maybe even a little too much, and that floods our For You Page.

Today more than ever, we are aware that this type of video does not stop at entertainment, because it calls for consumption and overconsumption. This leads us to question ourselves about the impact that these "Haul" videos have on our consumption and on a larger scale, on the environment.

In order to have a completely objective opinion, I'm going to present opinions FOR and AGAINST this type of content, based on the different data that I could find on the subject.


Hauls on social networks are not a new phenomenon, they have been around since 2010. To explain their expansion on TikTok, we just need to put ourselves in context

Global pandemic :

→ stores closed for several months 🛒❌

→ increase in time spent on social networks 📲

When faced with this situation, the pattern is fairly simple for consumers. 

The more haul Shein/Asos... we view on TikTok, the more it pushes us to buy fast and cheap. If we add to this the generation Z, who identify with the people they follow on the networks, in search of their own identity, it's a perfect cocktail for brands! They will contact influencers, give them a voucher and ask them to make a haul on their account. 🛍

And it works, e-commerce has never been better! 💸

But then, whose fault is it?

Can you blame an influencer for wanting to post content that pleases and gets massive views? 🤷

Can you blame a brand for not wanting to make a profit? In and of itself, no, that is indeed the goal of any business. But when the brand raises so many unethical issues, that's when it's sinful... 


I would not teach you anything by telling you that online shopping is not without consequences. 

Let's summarize the harmful effects of our internet orders: 

  • Overconsumption 🛍
  • Underpaid labor: modern slavery 😤
  • Pollution linked to transport: delivery and sometimes return of orders 🚛
  • Increase in plastic and cardboard waste 🚮

I won't go into the details of each of these points, because I think you've already heard about them more than once. However, I invite you to watch this awesome ARTE report that denounces this industry:

👉 Fast fashion - Les dessous de la mode à bas prix

Of course, it's easy to point the finger only at the brands that offer these types of items, as we are all now aware of what these online purchases entail. We also have our share of responsibility : To buy from them is to encourage the fast fashion economy. And even more so, when you are an influencer, pushing your community (and especially young people) to consume by presenting your new finds from SheIn, Asos, PLT... it's a rather dubious attitude.

As its name indicates, the role of an influencer is, among other things, to influence his community. In my opinion, it is important to understand this and to realize the responsibility that it implies, especially towards the young generation that is looking for its identity and will take an example on them. 

This fashion of Haul SheIn is more and more denounced on the network that hosts it, and more and more I see this kind of TikTok appear on my For You Page.

My personal opinion

Now that I've weighed the pros and cons, here's the opinion I've formed.

It would be hypocritical of me to throw the stone to all those who order online. True to my generation Z, I am unfortunately part of those who order from time to time on the sites I mentioned above. 

When you're a student with a limited budget, and you're subject to new clothing trends almost every day, it's hard not to be tempted (especially when everyone around you is doing the same thing!).

Consumers as well as influencers, we are all actors in this fast fashion chain. Of course, influencers have a greater responsibility in pushing us to buy with promo codes here and there, but our generation is more than ever aware of the social and environmental consequences of this style of consumption. In my opinion, blaming the influencers to relieve our guilt is a bit easy. 

Although I do consume, I hate to see these hauls in my TikTok algorithm, and I encourage and support influencers who favor second hand. 

So please influencers: 

Less SheIn haul and more Vinted haul! ♻️

About the author

Roxane Aguilar

From the Rolling Stones to the Palmashow, our Head of content knows her classics. 🤩 Always has the word for laugh, Roxane is above all a mind of steel and an overflowing imagination. 🔥 Legend has it that rarely has one seen such a dedicated editor! Far from being an early riser, she'll be writing her best articles starting at 10:13 am. Stay tuned ... 👩💻 #Creative #ESSECbba

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