
How to make your TikToks go viral?

Are you ready to start your TikTok journey? But how can you make your TikToks go viral? Quality, authenticity, trends, algorithms... Let's find out!

January 17, 2022
Clémence Del Castillo

Time to go viral! Ok, let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Are you trying to understand the TikTok algorithm? You don't really know why some influencers' content works and gets millions of views and why others flop? You're at the right place: let's find out how to make your TikToks go viral!

Understanding TikTok's algorithm

To better understand how to create the right content, you must first understand how the platform works. In our case, we should take a look at TikTok's values. What does that mean exactly? Let's say every social network is different: they have other purposes, different formats, just as they also have their values. Instagram, for instance, values regularity before anything else. Thus building an Instagram account can take time. Yet, once an influencer acquires a particular following, an Instagram influencer is sure to keep their popularity for a while, if not to see it growing even more. However, with the right trend and the right sound, any user can go viral in less than a week on TikTok. But on the other hand, this same influencer can be forgotten just as fast! And this is due to the social network's different algorithms, which are created with different values. So without further due let's discover what type of content creator behavior does TikTok value:

Content Quality 🔥


my lightsaber is from @legionsabers and my discount code: julia66 ##fyp ##starwars ##trend

♬ original sound - Star Wars

As TikTok has become very popular over time, users tend to misuse the app for two options: going viral or making ads. And let's be honest, if your only reason to be on the video platform is to become famous, I believe you are at the wrong place… Like brands think showcasing their product with a few mega influencers will do the trick, sharing random content won't give you results. Your number one priority is to focus on your content, and to do so, you must first and foremost find a niche. Meaning you should select your category! Are you a humourist, a makeup artist, a fitness enthusiast, a music fanatic, a fantastic cook, a cosplay lover, a dog owner, a coffee addict… There are so many options, yet for your audience to recognize you, you should only pick one or eventually combine a few while following the primary topic.

Focus: your number one priority is to create quality content by working on a single category and becoming better at it day by day.

Originality and authenticity ✨

Did you know TikTok has more than 2B downloads, with almost 700 M monthly users… That's a lot of people on one platform.. Do you know where I'm heading here? You are not alone on the app! If you have a great idea, there is a great chance someone else has done it already. That's why you must be yourself! Creating original content is a plus, but it can be challenging in a network full of talented creators. That is why creating authentic content will always be to your advantage! Thus following new trends can seem unoriginal, yet following them in your own way is what makes it original!

Focus: Creating authentic content is your key to originality.

Content Variety 🌈

As we said previously, to create a strong account, you must find a niche, a category, topic, or expertise. Once you have it, all your content will revolve around it. But be careful, that doesn't mean you should always do the same type of videos! Need examples? For instance, a dancer should mostly dance in his videos, but they can choose different music genres, add transitions, try new dance styles once in a while, etc. Another situation could be a humourist: creating funny videos is their thing, but they can also combine other talents for a change: makeup, singing, sports… Yet their video will still be classified in the "humor" category, but they will have created varied content.

Focus: You should create your content according to your niche, but don't forget to mix it up once in a while and never be afraid to try new things!

Activity: regularity ⏳

A no-go for TikTok is to post once in a while, with no time pattern, schedule, or whatsoever. Most TikTokers post from three times a week to three times a day. The key is to provide content to watch, and since we are on a short-timed video platform, let's say if you post two videos a week, the probability of appearing regularly on users' feed is very low. But careful, the key point here is regularity: posting once a week, then three times a day, then once a week again won't make your account grow. It will only show TikTok your posting schedule isn't structured. Thus your audience can't count on your account.

Focus: Post, post, post. The more you post, the bigger your chances of appearing on the FYP are growing, but don't forget to keep up a specific posting schedule.

Let’s make your TikToks go viral!

Now that we understand better how TikTok works, what should we do concretely? Where should we start?

First and foremost, you must build yourself a good feed! And to do so, go check out our article TikTok for Dummies!

Your feed 👀

👉 Find inspiration from other influencers! Choose an account you aspire to look like with similar content. Have a look at how they work on their niche, the similarities in each of their videos, etc

👉 Follow macro and mega influencers: find users with thousands to millions of followers. They have figured out TikTok's algorithm! Their content works, they follow the most popular trends, and they have more experience when it comes to creating clean content.


2021 was definitely one of my favorite years yet. I can’t wait for this year ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ happy new year everyone! What are you most excited for?

♬ som original - luiza

👉 Follow smaller accounts from your niche and other entertaining categories: they might not follow the most popular trends, but their content is original.

@alijhali Things are in places they shouldn’t be #fy #foryou #fyp #comedy #trend ♬ original sound -

👉 Be active! Do you want TikTok's algorithm to like you? Then boost other accounts as well. Spending time on your feed, liking content you like and enjoy, leaving a few comments, sharing a few videos, following new creators, etc. This kind of user behavior will always be beneficial to your account!

Your content 🚀

Use viral sounds: If you find a video using the same sound numerous times, it's a trend! 🎵 Click on the sound and find all users that have followed it. Now you can join the trend as well but in your own style!

Dynamic content: You must catch your audience's attention in the first three seconds! Thus your videos must always have a dynamic that pushes users to keep watching. Need a few tips? Big titles, questions, transitions… ⚡️

Have fun! When posting, be passionate about your content, and find an area you'd like to work on (humor, makeup, cooking, tech, sports, etc.). If you only post TikToks for views, your audience will notice, and your engagement rate won't grow. So don't be afraid to try new things! 🥳

Communicate with your audience: check your comments regularly! 💬 Answering your comments is crucial since it creates more proximity with other users. A key point to create a strong community!

That's it for today! 👏

What did you think of these tips? Do you feel ready to conquer the giant video platform? To wrap it all in a shell, keep in mind these few tips: have fun, don't be shy; other influencers are your best allies, and be rigorous with your posting schedule! 🤩 We hope this article has helped you in your TikTok journey. Stay posted for future updates, tips, and more regarding influencer marketing, social media, influencers, and so on!

About the author

Clémence Del Castillo

Our daydreamer, Clémence, develops her creativity on a daily baisis by drawing, playing the piano, and singing! A true artist at heart. ✨As a TikTok influencer, she'll share her top tips on the blog.🤓 Does this ring any bells? You may have seen her in Spain, Singapore, or Paris. She's constantly on the move! 🌎 #Creative #TikToker #ESSEC

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