Creator Economy
5 min to read

Influencers are lying to us

You follow them on social media and sometimes you dream of being them. Perhaps you wish your life looked more like theirs. But behind those pretty pictures, influencers actually hide a different reality. Even though they seem to have it all, and to always look perfect, this isn't the truth.

October 11, 2021
Camille Valentin

“What do you want to be when you grow up ?”. Ten years ago, the answer might have been : actor, singer, firefighter, but nowadays it is most likely that you will hear the word “influencer”, “youtuber”, or even “TikToker” 💭

This isn’t a surprise, influencers inspire us through their content, their pictures, and videos, often picturing a perfect life. We want to be them, and sometimes we even envy them. However being an influencer comes at a cost 😩

To be relevant and to satisfy their audience, they often have to share a lot of parts of their life, keeping their community up to date with their projects. Their followers and community expect transparency and honesty from them. This is actually the major point anyone should consider if they wish to be an influencer. Building trust will allow you to create a strong community that will last in time.

But everything is not always as it seems and sometimes influencers hide things from their fans. Indeed they tend to show us a filtered reality and most of the time, it means only showing us ✨the good sides

It can be hard as an influencer, and well, as human beings in general to show how we really feel. Especially when these emotions are negative.

Creators can look really confident online and in their videos, but in real life they might be shy and socially awkward. Some influencers have opened up about their struggle in real life whether it is with anxiety, mental health issues, or body image issues 😰

Dixie Damelio explained in an Instagram post her battle with depression and anxiety. You wouldn’t expect someone like her to be depressed since she is famous, pretty and has millions of followers.

Elle Mills, known for being always cheerful and for her humoristic videos, opened up about her body image issues and how she perceives herself. She explains:

“I think looking in the mirror and now thinking words like “disgusting, fat, hideous, repulsing” has been having a huge toll on my mental health”

This post was quite out of character compared to the rest of her content. 

Things are moving, but stigmas around mental health issues still exist. Hence why it is hard for influencers to talk about it. Despite what we can hear about them, online creators have a lot of pressure to be and to look perfect all the time. They have a large community of people which look up to them and see them as role models. They also get hate comments which can affect the way they feel. Therefore it is perfectly understandable that they feel depressed from time to time. 

But can we really blame influencers for hiding this side of their life from us? 

Would we actually enjoy knowing all the bad sides of their life, especially when we know that influencers can be seen as role models? Nevertheless, some creators manage to show their true self while being liked and supported by their followers. 

Emma Chamberlain, an American Youtuber is one of the best examples. Her Youtube videos, which are mostly vlogs, seem to be very “raw”, almost like there isn’t much editing. They are a true glance into her life without any censorship.

Another great example would be Clara Guilem,  through her posts she aims to remove people’s complexes that are often induced by social media. She shows pictures of herself that could be described as “unflattering” or at least not consistent with social media standards. Showing that it is okay to not always look perfect and that it is what makes us human after all. 😌

So yes, influencers can show the less glamorous aspects of their life and still be successful but that is in theory. In reality, we are inevitably attracted to what is positive and beautiful. This  explains why influencers tend to sugarcoat their life on social media. 🌈 We often use these platforms to escape our own life and entertain ourselves. Therefore we rather spend our free time watching uplifting content rather than depressing ones. Showing every aspect of your life on social media can be a good strategy because your community will perceive you as more genuine but it can be a double edged sword. People want to be inspired and entertained, so showing everything online might not be appreciated by some people. 

Influencers have flaws and insecurities, and as a brand it is important to take that into account while working with them.

Be understanding of their needs and wishes. Don’t put too much pressure on them, especially if you ask them to do something that is outside of their comfort zone. Your collaboration with an influencer will benefit from a fluid communication where both sides feel free and comfortable to speak up about their needs or concerns. 🗣

As a brand, you represent  a whole company, whereas influencers represent themselves so it makes sense that they might be more cautious about their image. 

It is important to remember that influencers are human beings just like us, and just like us, they sometimes make mistakes. Acknowledge the fact that they might have anxiety, or mental illnesses that might prevent them from doing exactly what you expect from them. Of course, you can always discuss and come up with solutions with the influencer. 💬

Everything will not always go according to plans, therefore being considerate will allow you to create solid bonds with an influencer and therefore it will be easier to create long term partnerships. 

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Camille Valentin

Painting and make-up are her favourite hobbies... she is indeed a true artist! 👩‍🎨 She also has a degree in Dutch and English! Did we mention she is an influencer ? Camille has a food Instagram account (We have a foodie!) and works on her TikToks too! 🤩 She definitely has more than one string to her bow 🔥