
How to contact a TikToker?

Good job, you completed your influencer list! But don't rest just yet! Next step: how to contact a Tiktoker! 🔥🔥

August 16, 2021
Margot Daugieras

How to contact a TikToker?

That's it; your search is over😍! Your list of Tiktokers for your campaign is complete; now, all you have to do is contact them. But how do you go about getting positive responses?

Here are four steps to boost your chances of concluding your partnerships!🤝

1. Build a relationship based on trust

First of all, remember that influencers are over-solicited, so getting answers from them isn't always easy.

Most often, if you receive an email from an unknown user, you won't open it. Influencers will do the same, even with their professional email address. That is why it is essential to establish a relationship with them in advance. Knowing that person and what they want to share with the community is the key to standing out from the crowd! 🙌

Even if following them on their social network remains a must, you can, for example:
📌 Like / comment their post / react to their stories → encourage discussion
📌 Share their posts if they are related to your activity
📌 Mention them in an article or post (tag them to make sure they see it)
📌 Ask questions via direct messages by bringing up their TikToks or topics in which they are interested (we advise you to use your private account to contact them)

The goal is not to spam but to get their attention regularly so that they can recognize your name or logo when you'll contact them later. 📲
Once you have established these first steps, you can then set a genuine professional relationship.😎

2. Choose the right communication channel

Direct request:
🚨 Do not harass the influencer from all channels and accounts 🚨

If the influencer publicly indicates his professional email, they prefer to be contacted through this channel. In this case, follow this diagram:

Solicitation by an intermediary:
Connecting through a contact you have in common can be very effective because you can be introduced by someone you trust to the influencer. You can also name the person you both know. 💬

3. Write a precise and personalised offer 📝

66% of influencers refuse partnerships, so take the time to write a relevant email!

Personalise your approach

As you would for a cover letter, you have to find out about the activity of your interlocutor before soliciting them. This is why mentioning their content, values, or journey of influence and explaining why they are the ones you chose will make the difference! It will show that you are genuinely interested in their profile that you did not send them a simple copy-paste.

Work on a precise offer

Before you even contact them, you should have clear expectations for your party and know how they will benefit from this partnership. This offer should be clearly stated in your message.

Be clear and concise

Do not go into all the details of the partnership; the goal is not to scare them with an overload of information but to engage and confirm the influencer's interest. Get straight to the point and offer to schedule a meeting by phone or video in order to explain the project in detail.

Mail type 📩

Example :
Hello [first name],

I am [first name] from [company]. I've been following you for a while, and I really enjoy your [relevant content] and the editorial line you have developed on [social media account].

We are a [specialty] company and are soon launching a campaign dedicated to [describe campaign objective]. For that, we invite influencers/creators with valued content to [write the campaign's concept].
We would love to join you on this campaign because we believe that [one or two reasons this collaboration is developed for the influencer and their audience].

This campaign would take place [add campaign dates] and be remunerated [add range or expected amount].
Would you be interested in discussing our offer in more detail?
Would you be interested in discussing this in more detail by email or phone?
I would be at your disposal to discuss this proposal in more detail.
I would be at your disposal to discuss this proposal in more detail.

See you soon,
[Your name, your company, your role, your contact]

Some important notes:

👉 If the partnership can be long-term, mention it.
👉 Your email may have gone unnoticed. You can contact them again, but you will have to modify the content of your email a little (change the angle of approach or the proposal). If you still do not get an answer, you will have to move on to another influencer.
👉 Don't pressure them: give the influencer time to familiarise and take ownership of the product before taking action.
👉 Do not comment on his posts to let him know that you have contacted him elsewhere; you will be perceived as intrusive!

4. Work on the relationship for long term bonds 🤝

As we already know, it is more challenging to acquire new customers than to retain existing ones. Following this logic, you have every reason to maintaining a good relationship with your influencers, especially if you have enjoyed collaborating with them!

First of all, don't forget to thank the influencer for their collaboration; keep them updated on their impact. 🙏

Keep this routine of liking / commenting here and there; it will be very appreciated. You will then have a stronger bond with the influencer and, therefore, be a step ahead of your competitors! 😎

About the author

Margot Daugieras

Passionate about social networks and digital illustration, please welcome our Head of Marketing! She has traveled around the world, but her ultimate dream is to settle in Montreal 🇨🇦 As a dance🕺 and animal lover you can follow her cat's adventures on TikTok 🐱 (whom we suspect she idolises a bit too much 🤫) #MultiSkilled #CatLover

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