
Boosting your Shopify sales with Influencers

Influencer marketing for your e-shop? Say less! Influencer partnerships, how to pay an influencer, campaign evaluation, and everything there is to know is in our article!

October 25, 2021
Clémence Del Castillo

You did it! You finally made it to e-commerce! Your brand is digital-friendly and waiting to set up a marketing strategy that is suitable for the e-market and effective to promote your product and services online. Now which one to choose? While influencer marketing, of course! No need to worry; we will guide you through each step and share our tips on how to boost your e-shop sales thanks to influencers! 🤩

Who should I choose to promote my store? 🧐

First and foremost, you must know your own needs: why must you promote your brand?

Is it to gain visibility? Engagement? The reason you should set up this first goal is simply because depending on your primary objective a suitable influencer comes along!

👉 If you are a small business or launching one, you might not have an extensive range of followers, so how should you find the right influencer? Search for them according to your area of interest! 💡

With Favikon you can find all influencers that best suit your expectations in a few seconds, thanks to a magical tool: hashtags! Are you a coffee business? Then type #coffee #drink #barista #brew and so on. Once you click on search, let Favikon do the work! The algorithm will find you all influencers using these keywords; in other words, the doors to the world of coffee influence have opened to you! Isn't that wonderful? That's not it! You can also choose if you prefer the account to show any or all of the keywords (in this case, you might need to narrow down the number of hashtags).

👉 Now moving on to our second case scenario: your brand is well settled and has comprehensive visibility, thus lots of customers and so many subscribers! In this case, you already have quite the network! Your brand is followed by a wide range of different customer niches (age, nationality, profession, etc.). Therefore you can use this list of followers to your advantage. How will that help you find the perfect match for your influencer partnership? With a similar yet more suitable process!

On Favikon, you have a unique feature that allows you to search for influencers by their username. Thus to find the best candidates for your influencer partnership, enter your brand's @, and you'll find all the influencers who have already interacted with your brand! Now you know who is interested in your products/services, a real advantage to contact influencers who have greater possibilities to feel motivated and dedicated to your brand. Contacting them might save you time since they already know the brand, the concept, and your values, rather than contacting new influencers that need to be pitched in and converted into loyal customers.

P.S: Favikon has a beautiful feature called ✨Lists✨, in which you can add all influencers you wish to contact for your influencer partnership or campaign. By creating your list and adding them to it, no need to search every time for your social media stars; once added, find them directly in your list!

Okay, now let's make a small recap: you know the objective of your influencer partnerships, you have found the perfect match, but a few steps are yet to be taken! How to contact an influencer? How to launch your collaboration? How to pay an influencer? How to analyze your collaboration's success? etc.

Let's not waste any time and get right to it!

How to contact an influencer to share your partnership proposal? 📩

Easy peasy! Go on Favikon, enter your influencer's username, click on their profile, then check out their professional contact info! They might share their phone number, email, or a website, with which you can contact them, and bam! Job done! (almost)

How to launch a partnership with influencers? 🚀

There are several ways you can plan a collab with an influencer! Yet here are our recommendations:

🎯 Product placement: a simple yet effective way to promote your brand. 💁

  • Gain visibility; your brand is exposed to their audience by appearing on the influencer's feed. Thus you might increase your brand awareness, raise interest, and eventually, their followers could consider purchasing your product.
  • Clear showcase of the product.
  • Association of the influencer with the brand: an influencer has the same objectives as a brand: build a strong image based on values and goals. Thus, in an influencer partnership, if your brand is linked to an influencer, it can positively impact your reputation.
  • The influencer can add a short description to present the product, your slogan, values, etc.

🎯 Live product test: a new, more human approach to present your product. 🤝

  • Gain of visibility
  • Showcasing authenticity: live testing means live reaction; and with reliable content comes trust!
  • Better engagement with the audience (users can communicate with the influencer via the chat and share their opinion, doubts, questions and your brand representative can address most comments)
  • A better understanding of the product and how it works thanks to its use from different angles. Because it is live, the demonstration isn't 100% staged. Thus it gives up a more realistic point of view of how to use the product.
  • Fast conversion: with lives, users might make up their minds on their purchase decision in a short time. So get ready to see your sales take off.

🎯 Contests: How about we play a simple game called giveaway? Influencers set up a few rules (most common ones: to follow your brand account, like your last picture, tag a friend in the comments, and share their post in their story) and their subscribers follow the rules to win the prize. 🎲

  • Gain visibility: by entering a giveaway contest, you are working on the quantity and gaining subscribers, appearing in different stories, getting more comments, etc. It extends your visibility. However, if your primary objective is engagement, you might want to look at our previous options!
  • Time efficiency: contests are known to be efficient in a short period. Users will hurry up to participate, and once the winner is announced, reactions will cease.
  • If you don't have time to plan a live yet want to see fast results, this is the best influencer partnership option for you.

What about remuneration? How should you pay influencers? 💸

You are ready to set up your influencer partnership, but remuneration is one last subject to discuss! You don't want to pay less than what their work is worth, yet you would like to know if the price range fits your budget? No problem, with Favikon you can have a look at the market price! 👀

Open your influencer's Favikon audit to find what costs to expect from a post, a story, or a giveaway from this influencer! Quick and easy!

Tip: negotiating, compromising, and setting up a reasonable price is great, but how can you work on your long-term relationship? A simple free product shipping, sample, or promo code can make their day and show your commitment to them. Moreover, you can offer a share on each sale with a promo code to motivate the influencer and monitor its profitability. 🎁

Now that you know how to pay an influencer, let's jump to the last step: evaluation!

Analyzing my collaboration to measure its effectiveness 📊

Before launching your campaign, enter all your influencer partnership details in our "Campaign" functionality! Complete a small survey that asks your objectives, previsions, investments, etc.—once completed, bye-bye calculations! Favikon will track your influencers' posts, mentions, and activity, to evaluate your campaign's success, measure the ROI of each influencer and provide your Favikon score! 📈

That's it, you're all done! So ready to join the team? 🔥

About the author

Clémence Del Castillo

Our daydreamer, Clémence, develops her creativity on a daily baisis by drawing, playing the piano, and singing! A true artist at heart. ✨As a TikTok influencer, she'll share her top tips on the blog.🤓 Does this ring any bells? You may have seen her in Spain, Singapore, or Paris. She's constantly on the move! 🌎 #Creative #TikToker #ESSEC

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